Style statements come in many forms, and movies tend to steer fans toward one style over another. This is certainly the case with the Sex & The City movie. Once the movie came out, women everywhere loved seeing which outfits Carrie Bradshaw would wear. Although other movie premiers do have similar effects on audiences, the Sex & The City movie had much more influence over its viewers. This is due in large part to the fact that the movie was derived from the hit HBO TV series that came on weekly. Similar to The Sopranos, Sex & The City really did have a cult following of extremely loyal viewers.
Major brands such as Dolce and Gabanna, Ralph Lauren, Calvin Klein, Prada and Chanel all benefitted tremendously from the premier of the Sex & The City movie in the UK. On the day of its premier in London, people from all over the world flocked to the region to a part of the festivities. People who were not even directly affiliated with the movie made sure to become a part of the atmosphere surrounding the event. There was a real opportunity for fledgling designers to make a name for themselves at the event as well.

The styles of the major characters mirrored their personalities. This is another reason why the movie was so successful. Each person who went to see the movie found that they could closely identify with at least one of the main characters. As a result, some of the people who went to see the movie ended up emulating the styles worn by the characters that they looked up to. NYC is one of the main fashion districts in all of the United States, and the premier of the movie in London allowed designers to promote their lines of clothes in the UK as well.
However, styles in the Sex & The City movie were not just limited to clothing. For example, Samantha’s character was frequently wearing the over-sized sunglasses of name brands like Chanel and Louis Vuitton. The over-sized sunglasses craze can be attributed in large part to the influence of Samantha’s and Carrie’s characters. Additionally, many women loved the skirt and blouse combinations that the main characters wore, and these styles were bought with much more frequency after the premier in London. Many designers still enjoy success after the movie’s launch, and they owe a debt of gratitude to the wardrobe and production crews who helped to make the movie.
Great style is often subjective. The general public usually rejects styles which are forced upon them. However, these women had realistic lives in the movie. Women who went and saw the movie could identify with their decisions, through both good times, and bad. The extremely human aspect of the movie is what made it so appealing to such a wide audience of people. Consider the fact that the Sex & The City TV show was only available to people who had signed up for HBO. Surely those who went and saw the movie included people who had never heard of the show, yet could identify with the movie’s message of unity.