The movie version of Sex & The City does a great job of accurately portraying real human emotions. Emotions such as sadness, joy, happiness and issues involving jealousy, anger and elation are all brought to the forefront. This is the main reason why the movie was such a success. Women everywhere could relate to the fact that they felt the same way as the main characters in regard to men and fidelity issues. Even some of the most trustworthy characters in the movie often ended up being someone other than what the audience ultimately thought they were. This level of unpredictability is another reason why so many people gravitated toward the movie version of the Sex & The City franchise.
One of the most heart-wrenching scenes from the Sex & The City movie involves Carrie Bradshaw’s dramatic wedding. The wedding scene is almost too hard to watch, as being left at the altar is any bride’s worst nightmare. Mr. Big, a fan favorite, leaves Carrie at the altar, thus humiliating her. Not only is she humiliated, but she is also left with an intense sadness which is hard to express with words. Her reaction to the situation is one that many women can relate to. Intense sadness is expressed through few words, but it is expressed through a deep depressive state.

Thankfully, her friends, especially Samantha Jones, take steps to cheer her up during what would otherwise be considered a completely hopeless situation. They all decide that the best thing for her to do is to go ahead and go on her honeymoon trip. However, instead of the trip taking place with her and Mr. Big, Carrie and her friends decide to go together. Even though Carrie’s character is left feeling despondent and lost for much of the trip, she eventually starts to come around. Her friends do not allow her to give up on her life, and thus the healing process is allowed to begin.
Sometimes it takes the love and care of great friends to help dig you out from that hole that you find yourself in. In fact, even if you do not realize it at the time, friends are the best remedy for a broken heart. This has been proven time and again throughout the Sex & The City TV show episodes, and it has been proven in the movie as well. In fact, Carrie is not the only one who suffers from a debilitating emotional issue during the movie. Miranda;s character finds herself embroiled in a cheating scandal when her boyfriend, Steve, decides to cheat on her.
This is another situation in which the work of friends is the only way to dig one’s self out of a dark place. Cheating issues are some of the hardest ones to forgive, and as such, they can leave a person with distrust for others for many years. However, the friends in Sex & The City never allow Miranda to stay down for long. They encourage her to talk to Steve to try and find some closure to the situation. Residents all over the UK can relate to this type of situation, and it is yet another reason why people feel so personally connected to the issues.