The Sex & The City movie brought fans a film version of their beloved HBO series. This show saw continued success for 6 straight seasons, in large part because the fans connected to the main characters. In just 6 short years the show developed a cult following of fervent supporters. While the demand for a movie version of the famous show became important to directors and producers, the movie itself became something of a cultural phenomenon. There was considerable anticipation for the movie because the show touched on many aspects of popular culture such as music, fashion, love sex and friendship.
Women tend to connect with Sex & the City on many levels. For one, many fans can relate to the struggles that the main character faces during her relationships with other men. Men and women come and go in our lives, and some of those relationships are more meaningful than the others. Make no mistake, there have been plenty of shows which have attempted to depict relationships in a realistic fashion. However, Sex & the City really seemed to strike a chord with audiences everywhere. Even men could relate to the complexities of trying to make a relationship work. Each of the women had her own calling card, whether it was extreme sensitivity, reliability or promiscuity.

Additionally, friendship between a tight-knit group of women is at the core of the entire movie, as well as the HBO show. The close friendship depicted between Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda made the show and subsequent movie a huge success. Women could relate to the struggles of finding the right man in a big city, and the process is not without a steady dose of trial and error. When the main characters felt sadness or elation, so too, did the audience. This is what makes a movie so successful.
Similar to the show, the movie was depicted from Carrieās point of view. This allowed the audience to have an intimate look inside the mind of what Carrie Bradshaw thought about her friends and the men she dated. Audiences became captivated by her realistic emotions which included betrayal, sadness and despair when she was left at the altar during the movie. However, the movie version was also filled with incredibly funny moments as well. Also, the movie had a great wardrobe specialist who was able to recreate the magic of the show.
Fashion was a staple of both the show and the movie, but primarily the movie. Audiences loved the wedding dress that Carrie Bradshaw wore to her wedding. Each character had an incredible outfit selection, and since the movie was shot in New York City, fashion week was of course a part of the plot line. this meant that major designers got a chance to show off their latest creations on the big screen. Indeed, the Sex & the City movie provided a great way for people to learn about new shoes, blouses and dresses. The great thing was that the clothes that they characters wore were available to the public as well.